Robot DT- Testing stepping motors

Use this to test if the stepping motor is working or not. used to identify problems.

If you select this program the next             
screen appears: → This program is used to check thatthe stepping motors are operating
correctly and turn in the correct direction.
Proceed as follows to activate a stepping motor

• Place the cursor in front of the line of your choice, then press to activate the function.

An ‘* ' will appear between the cursor and the line, indicating that the function is active. The movement can be altered in small or large steps. is used to set the smallest step, and the largest. to are intermediate steps. is the standard setting. You see that on >>>>F1<<<< This changes when you select a different step. (Example: When is selected, >>>>F5<<<< appears) The chosen step can be carried out to the left or right using <-◄ > or <►+>. You can return the motor to its starting (home) position by pressing .

Movements on the guide rails are governed by stops. Take care to prevent
the moving units colliding with the stops or other components. If this does
occur, stop the stepping motor immediately to avoid damage. Tip: Select
a small step in time to avoid collisions.