Now the pattern recognition of the sensors must be set. • Go via test to “TEACH IN A NEW WHEEL” and “LOAD WHEEL/ ADJUST MACHINE”. • Place wheel (W1) in the machine, adjust hub clamp height and press after adjustment. • Adjust “RIMCLAMP POSITION” until rim drive rollers are 2mm higher than the rim and press after adjustment. When spoke sensors are functional, the machine turns the wheel, finds the spoke pattern and stops turning. • Press to exit followed by to unload wheel. • Copy to wheel number to save settings and confirm with Y (yes) and . • Press to return to main menu. • Select wheel W1 in “SELECT WHEEL” and press to return to main menu. • Go via test to TEST MACHINE SEQUENCE and set the cursor in front of the line TURN WHEEL. • Place wheel (W1) in the input rail and stop the wheel turning by pressing . • Turn the wheel slowly by hand in the direction of rotation of the machine and look to see whether the receiver lamps red and green go on when a spoke passes. • Turn the wheel a bit further so that a transmitter and receiver "look" between two spokes, and adjust the sensitivity of the receiver using the set screw so that only the green lamp just lights up. • Turn the wheel again and look to see whether both lights go on when a spoke passes. Sensor 2x28 sees whether a left or right spoke passes sensor 2x26. For a left spoke, the sensor 2x28 light should first go ON and then OFF again, and shortly after the 2x26 light should go ON and then OFF again. For a right spoke, 2x26 first, followed by 2x28 (In case the machine is configured for F1 this is the opposite way).
Therefore also the height of the sensors is very important. In the standard setup sensor 2x26 should just be able to “see” over a 32mm high rim. Sensor 2x28 should be adjusted 5-8mm lower. In case the machine needs to handle rims higher than 32mm, up to 40mm, adjust the height of the sensors accordingly. • If necessary, adjust the sensor. Do not forget to re-tighten the fixing bolts after adjustment. • Check whether the adjustments have had the desired effect by pressing to turn the wheel. Now, you should see in a regular pattern on the screen: "LRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRL" at both high and low speeds.
Then move the cursor 2 lines down to STOP TURN WHEEL and 1 line up to INDEX WHEEL . Each time that you press the wheel is indexed one pair of spokes further. After indexing, check that the drive rollers centerline is in the middle between the spokes (see picture). If the index position is not correct, move spoke sensor 2X26 in the required direction. If necessary, repeat all the adjustments described above if the result is not satisfactory