Nippleguide not working correctly - Nipples fall off the screwdriver
If the nipples are not guided properly, several nipples are loaded or they fall off the screwdriver more and more often, then you should take a look at the guide.
Step 1:
Check position of nipple block.
• With screwdriver in backward position,
the distance measured from the front of
the nipple block to the needle must be
• Distance for Standard nipple block is 22-
• Distance for NWF nipple block is 25-
• The leaf springs should not be bent too much in order to be able to apply sufficient tension.
• Unscrew both bolts (3) and move eject
nipple unit in the desired position. Make
sure the unit is aligned when tightening.
The piston rod of the eject cylinder may
not touch the guide hole when nipple
block moves forward.
Step 2:
Alignment of the nipple filling station.
• Re-install filling station (1).
• Use bolts (2) to position filling station in 3
directions to allow adjustment jig (3)
(located on chain) to be inserted
• Gap between nipple block and filling
station (4) must be 0,5-1mm.
Check also for damages on every included part (nipple block, filling station, hose etc.) and replace if necessary.